Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Prosecution: Legislation: Ancient Legislation:

Prosecution: Legislation:

I. Author Index

[Info] Brown, Peter G. McC. »Athenian attitudes to rape and seduction. The evidence of Menander, Dyskolos 289-293.« Classical quarterly 41 (1991): 533-534.

[Info] Carey, C. »Rape and adultery in Athenian law.« Classical quarterly 45 (1995): 407-417.

[Info] Cohen, David. Law, sexuality, and society. The enforcement of morals in classical Athens. Cambridge 1991.

[Info] Cohen, David. »Sexuality, violence, and the Athenian law of HubrisGreece and Rome 38 (1991): 171-188.

[Info] Cohen, David. Law, violence, and community in classical Athens. Cambridge 1995.

[Info] Cole, Susan G. »Greek Sanctions against Sexual Assault.« Classical Philology 79 (1984): 97-113.

[Info] Harris, Edward M. »Did the Athenians regard seduction as a worse crime than rape?« Classical quarterly 40 (1990): 370-377.

[Info] Harris, Edward M. »Did rape exist in classical Athens? Further reflections on the laws about sexual violence.« Dike 7 (2004): 41-83.

[Info] Harris, Edward M. Democracy and the rule of law in classical Athens. Essays on law, society, and politics. Cambridge 2006.

[Info] Just, Roger. Women in Athenian law and life. London 1989.

[Info] Ogden, Daniel. »Rape, Adultery and the Protection of Bloodlines in Classical Athens.« Rape in Antiquity: Sexual Violence in the Greek and Roman Worlds. Edited by Susan Deacy et al. London 1997: 25-41.

[Info] Olasope, Olakunbi O. »Rape and Adultery in Ancient Greek and Yoruba Societies.« Journal of Philosophy and Culture 5 (2014): 67-114.

[Info] Phillips, David D. The Law of Ancient Athens. Ann Arbor 2013.

[Info] Pretorius, Jamie. »Rape and Infidelity: Threats to the Athenian ????? and ?????.« Fundamina 23 (2017): 39-61.

[Info] Scafuro, Adele C. »Greek Sexual Offences and Their Remedies: Honor and the Primacy of Family.« Structures of Power: Law and Gender across the Ancient Near East and Beyond. Edited by Ilan Peled. Chicago 2017: 41-59.

[Info] Tetlow, Elisabeth M. Women, Crime, and Punishment in Ancient Law and Society. Vol. 2: Ancient Greece. New York 2005.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Cole, Susan G. »Greek Legal Sanctions Against Rape.« Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Vancouver 1978.

[Info] Harris, Edward M. Women's choices, women's suffering: Consent and sexual violence in Greek law and in Greek literature.« Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017.

[Info] Omitowoju, Rosanna. »Regulation, Reconstruction and Rhetoric: Rape as a Lacuna in Athenian Law.« 128th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. New York 1996.